Key Information
Please find some useful information about many areas of school life at Overton CE Primary School.
Do you want a place for your child?
What will my child be learning?
At the start of each year, we send out a booklet which outlines what each year group will be learning. These are shared at a “Meet and Greet session” for you with the new class teachers in September.
Each half-term, the teachers in Years R, 1 and 2 send out an overview with more details for each curriculum area and what you can do to support your child’s learning. For children in Key Stage 2 (years 3, 4, 5 and 6), these are sent out each term.
The year group overviews are also available here.
Who is Boris?
We are acutely aware that the emotional health of our children is paramount. As part of their character development, we want our children to be emotionally intelligent, resilient and actively empathetic. We use HeartSmart to help them understand and live out what we believe are excellent principles and practices for growing healthy hearts and minds. Unsurprisingly, the High Five statements closely match our Christian values, and demonstrate a memorable, practical outworking of them. Boris the robot helps our pupils to learn this in a fun and engaging way, too!
Attendance and Punctuality
This is extremely important, and if levels drop, then we always take action. If your child is absent, please contact the school immediately by email or leave a message on the answerphone ideally before 8.30am.
If a child arrives more than 10 minutes after the allocated start time, they are recorded as an unauthorised absence. Please bring them to the office to be registered. We all understand that on rare occasions, a child may be late, but unfortunately these are monitored as they too have an impact on a child’s learning and progress. These also count towards overall attendance and if attendance is of concern, then a fine may be issued. A table explaining timings for each year group can be found in the timetables section of the website.
Holidays in term time will always be unauthorised, possibly fined.
Please click here to see an attendance leaflet reflecting new Government requirements.
If you have to take time out of school, there is a form to complete to request absence. If it is unauthorised, this may result in a Hampshire fine of £60 per child per adult (e.g. 2 adults, 2 children = £240). On very rare occasions such as a family bereavement or following a significant illness, it may be authorised.
We communicate with parents via text, email, the website, and by sending letters home. It’s really important that we have your correct contact details, particularly if there is an emergency. Let us know if you change anything! We prefer any contact to be by email to and for the school phone number to use for emergencies 01256 770249.
Please do respect the law and the local residents by only parking in designated and lawful areas. We appreciate that drop off and collection times are stressful, but please be mindful of other road users. The children get very upset when they hear adults using inappropriate language and being rude towards other people.
Children are allowed to cycle to school, if they wear a helmet! There is a storage rack by the bottom gate.
Permission is granted to park in the school car park in specific circumstances, but it is very unusual. We don’t have the space! We do have a designated space for blue badge holders which is in our turning circle. Please let the office know if you need to use this regularly.
Volunteering - can you help?
We are always looking for parents and friends of the school who can offer time to help the school in any way.
No offer is too small!
Please do ask at the office, or visiting our volunteering page for more information.
School Meals
Our catering provider is Pabulum and they are specialists in providing school meals. Meals for children in Year R, 1 and 2 are free. This is provided by the government as part of ‘Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)’.
When children go into Year 3, meals are chargeable.
All children can bring a packed-lunch if they wish to.
For more information about Pabulum and menu details please visit our School Meals page.
Nut-free School
We are a completely nut-free school because we have children with severe nut allergies. Please don’t send any nut-based products at play or lunchtimes. This includes chocolate spread or pancakes, which often contains some sort of nut ingredient.
Thank you
Lost Property
Please check on a regular basis for any lost property. It will be given away if not found. Please also name any items brought in so we can return them! Please click here for an information poster about lost property.
Wrap-a-round care
We run our very own wrap around care at Overton with our own school staff. Children love it!
Breakfast club runs from 07.30-08:30 and After-school club between 15.30–18.00, or if you want a shorter session until 16.30.
See here for more information.
Christian Values
Our three values are Love, Hope and Faith
Love is a very important value to us as a school. Love underpins everything that we do. It is very much ‘the why’ of who we are. Love is evident in our relationships with each other and in our actions to support our community and our world. We see it in our interactions at school and home, feel it when we are together, and experience it through how others act towards us. We can grow and learn together because we know that God loves us.
At Overton, we have high hopes and aspirations for our future, our school and community. We also understand that faith gives us hope for both now and for the future, and that this hope brings confidence. Hope for us means that there is always a future whatever situation we are in, because God promised to never leave us, to always love us, and to help us in times of need.
We believe that faith is a firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. (Hebrews 11) It is rooted as our faith in God, but it is also a firm faith, trust and confidence in ourselves, others and in the children we teach. We want our children to grow the faith that they have in themselves and develop their own core beliefs, underpinned by Christian values and teaching, to equip them as they leave our school and take their place in the world.
You can read more about our values here.
Assemblies (Collective Worships)
We have daily class or school worship, which usually follow a value for the week or half term.
Our Head Teacher usually launches the value each Monday which is followed up on the Tuesday at class worship time. This enables the children to discuss the value more deeply and at their level.
We sometimes have visitors speak to us, too. St Mary’s Church lead worship weekly, and we also have a singing worship.
Physical Education
This is an important part of school life. Pupils usually have 2 hours of PE per week, plus some additional sessions throughout the year. Your child’s year group will inform you on which days they will have PE and your child can come dressed in their PE kit on the two designated days. Children should wear kit appropriate for the weather. In the colder months, they will need navy or black joggers or tracksuits and blue shorts and t shirts.
Current PE days can be found here.
Start / Finish Times
The gate is opened at 8.25am each morning to ensure all children arrive promptly for the start of each day. The total time this amounts to in a typical week is 32.6 hours.
We encourage all Key Stage 2 children (in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) to walk in independently and younger children may do this when they, and you, feel they are ready!
School times can be found on the timetables page.
Medical Needs and First Aid
Please do let us know if your child has any medical issues, or if it changes during the year. We have many children with medical care plans for asthma, allergies and other conditions. We are only able to give your child a prescribed medicine from your GP if you complete a form.
If your child has a head bump, then we will send you a form home indicating more information and also send you a text to alert you. If we are in any way concerned about your child following an accident, or they become unwell, we will contact you. Please ensure that we have up-to-date emergency contact details.
If your child has an auto-injector, they must have an in-date one in school, and an extra one for school trips (or they will not be allowed to attend).
Home School Link Book
These are available for parents to pass on important messages to staff. The Link Book is given out at the beginning of each academic year and contains the term dates, the Home School Agreement and is the reading record too.
Although we appreciate that some parents may prefer to pass brief messages on in person at the beginning or end of the day, this impacts on the ability of the staff to welcome each child and to start the day promptly and smoothly for everyone. The teachers ask each morning if there any message for them but it may help the younger children if you give them the Link Book to hand in at the beginning of the day.
Pupil Premium
If you have received certain benefits, then please check with the office to see if your child is eligible for Pupil Premium Funding.
This results the school receiving funding of over £1300 per eligible child.
Parent Teacher Association
We have a brilliant PTA called OSA, which stands for Overton School Association. They help to put on fantastic school events throughout the year, raising valuable funds and contributing to the life of the school.
Please do join them – it benefits your child and our community!
Snacks & Milk
For children in Years R, 1 and 2, a free piece of fruit is provided each day.
Milk is provided free for children up until the term they turn 5. After this, children can purchase daily milk at a small price (provided by Cool Milk). To register visit CoolMilk.
A snack of fresh fruit, vegetables or a plain bread roll can be provided from home. No other snacks are allowed.
Online Payments
You can pay for meals and trips online using the Arbor payment system. You can pay in advance, or top up when necessary.
Click here to visit Abor to login and if you have any problems contact the school office for help.
Back Packs
Backpacks must be small – we really do have very limited space in cloakrooms.
If you would like one with the school logo, these are available from Skoolkit and Stitch Design – we really do have very limited space in cloakrooms.
Learning Behaviours
We want our children to be excellent learners for life, and so we have six learning behaviours which are underpinned by and linked to our Christian values. They help to develop the skills needed for life-long learning, as well as the understanding of what that means.
Whilst knowledge is interesting and helps us make sense of our world, we know that learning is more than gathering knowledge. We need to learn how best to learn, and our learning behaviours help with this.
Our children, staff and governors selected and developed our learning behaviours together. They are really important to us!
Homework (Home Learning)
Homework is sent out each week. As children get older, the demand increases. We ask that children read at least 4 times a week, and learn spellings and times tables as directed by the teacher.
Our Home Learning policy is available here.
Child unwell? Dentist or Doctor Appointments?
If your child is unwell, you’ll need to phone the office to let them know. You can also send an email. This needs to be done by 8.30am please.
If your child has an appointment with the dentist, doctor or hospital, please let the office know and your child's teacher via their Link Book. We encourage you to arrange these outside of the school day, during the holidays or on a Friday afternoon wherever possible. Thank you.
What do parents think?
We are very fortunate to have a well established and effective Parent Council. This is a forum for parents and carers to improve communication between parents and school, to raise issues and to give feedback about subjects raised by other parents and also by the school. A diverse range of topics are discussed and consulted on each year, and it meets each half-term with the Head Teacher, School Business Manager and a governor. The membership can be found here.
The Governing Body also gather information from parents, usually every two years though a questionnaire but will consult on specific issues as they arise (for example, a recent survey was for Year 6 parents to find out their views on a residential trip for this academic year 2021-2022).
Free School Meals
Free School Meals (FSM) are different to Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM).
Your child may be entitled to FSM if you’ve received certain benefits. It’s worth checking-simply ask the office, or you can check here.
Water Bottles
Water is available in each class, and children are allowed to bring small, discrete water bottles to keep hydrated throughout the day.
We sell our own quality water bottles and spare lids which are available to order through the School Shop on Arbor. Click here to log in.
Each year group will go on at least one trip per year, though often more. Again, these are usually at cost, and the contribution suggested is vital to allow the trips to happen.
Year 4 and Year 6 children take part in a residential trip which lasts four nights. We work with a local charity who offer up to 50% towards the cost of residential trips so that all children can take part. If you would like to be considered for financial support, please contact the office as soon as possible.
School Uniform
The uniform we have adopted is smart, inexpensive and hard wearing. Our uniform with the school logo is sold at the Basingstoke branch of Skoolkit and Stitch Design based in Overton. We also have a PE uniform to be worn on PE days.
Uniform without a logo is also completely acceptable. However, if you choose to purchase items with the school logo such as the sweatshirt, cardigan, PE bag and backpacks, these can be purchased at the uniform suppliers. Please ensure that all uniform is labelled with your child's name. We collect huge amounts every week of lost property which is rarely claimed.
We have a small stock of pre-loved uniform to purchase. Please see here for more details.
Our School Uniform Policy can be viewed here.
All stationary, equipment and books are provided for all children, so no pencil cases are required.
Employee Salary Information (earning more than £100k per year)
Maintained schools are now required to publish salary information on any employee earning over £100,000 per annum.
All staff in the school are paid in accordance with the School Teachers Pay & Conditions Document (STPD) or National Joint Council (NJC) Terms & Conditions (support staff). All salary levels are determined and reviewed annually by the Pay Committee of the Board of Governors.
Please see below the numbers of employees earning over £100,000 per annum: Number of Employees earning over £100k per annum: 1