Year 3
Spring 2, 2025
Update 1:
This half term in English, we have been exploring The Tin Forest by Helen Ward, to understand how an author shows transformation throughout a story using negative and positive language alongside colour and illustration. We have used literacy devices such as expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and prepositional phrases to create our own version of The Tin Forest matching our sentences to its illustrations. To further our knowledge and understanding of transformation stories, we also read The Night Gardener and an extract from The Secret Garden to link the features and discuss them as a class. We have been really impressed with the powerful writing the children have produced so far!
Over the last few weeks, we have been learning about units of measure. We have learnt how to measure accurately and convert between millimetres, centimetres and metres. We particularly enjoyed the maths lesson where we got to measure each other’s foot length and height to investigate whether taller people have longer feet.
Our Geography lessons this half term have been all about our local study of Overton. First, we found Overton on Google Maps and zoomed out to discover the nearest town, then what county, country, and continent we live in. To help us visualise and understand this we created our own circle maps. To help us to further our geography knowledge, we were asked to draw a map of our route to school. This needed to include physical and human features that we pass on our way to school such as a church, river, traffic lights, fields and shops.
Spring 1, 2025
Update 1
This half term in English, we have dived into the fictional world of James Reeves and his Prefabulous Animiles. We studied his poem The Hippocrump and how his clever techniques and features caught our attention as readers. We looked at his use of onomatopoeia, italics for expression and the rhythm and rhyming couplets he’d used. We described and discussed the Hippocrump’s unusual features and the clever combination of different animals James Reeves had used to create his prefabulous animile. We designed our very own prefabulous animile and wrote a poem in the style of James Reeves to bring our creations to life. The children showed great enthusiasm and passion during the writing process and produced some wonderful poems!
The Hippocrump
In DT, we will eventually be making a healthy soup. To help us understand what soup tastes like and the different ingredients used to make it, we taste-tested a range of soups. Many of us discovered a new-found love for soup, especially tomato soup!
In science, we have been exploring the human body. The highlight so far has to be our dissection of a Pig’s Pluck (the trachea, lungs, heart and liver). This lesson was an amazing opportunity to see what the vital organs inside a pig look like and to compare them to those of a human. We discussed, dissected and even got to touch all of the organs which was fascinating.
Update 2:
Over the last few weeks, we have been working hard with multiplication and division using arrays, grouping and sharing before applying this to the written methods of expanded multiplication and short division. Perhaps you could ask your child to show and explain this method to you. We have posted some practice questions on Google Classrooms.
Following on from taste testing soups, we voted on the vegetables we wanted to include in our own class soup and designed this. Then, we got to work in groups to prepare and cook our own soup. When it came to tasting our product, we were divided in our opinions- some loved it and some not so much.
In tag rugby this half term, we have learned the rules of the game and understood how to pass and catch a rugby ball.
Our dance and movement this half term has focused on the different parts of a river. In groups, we created our own routines to go with the music for the source, stream, waterfall and mouth of a river.
Self-portraits have been the focus of our art this half term. Firstly, we looked carefully at the proportions of our facial features and drew a sketch of ourselves. Next, we explored the self-taught artist Jon Cooper. We unpicked the moods of his portraits and the mediums and effects he’d used to create these. Next, we had a go at using different mediums to recreate the effects and moods shown within his portraits.
Year 3 have enjoyed learning all about sea-related vocabulary this term. They can now use the definite (le/la/ l’) and indefinite articles (un/une) when talking about nouns. The children have learnt how to say ‘it is’ and it is not’ and they are starting to understand how to use the negative in French. We have had fun learning all our colours and are starting to understand how to use adjectives in French. There is a lot to remember! We read ‘L’arc en Ciel’ in a story-time lesson and talked about the moral dilemma in the book (in English!) In our learning this half-term, we have had fun with the actions and sounds of the following French phonics: eu, ou, ch, oi, an/en/am and i/y.
Autumn 2, 2024
Update 1
Over the last few weeks, we have been mastering the column method of addition and subtraction. Firstly, we used the place value counters to help us understand exchanging, before we then applied this to the written methods. Perhaps you could ask your child to show and explain this method to you!
We have had a very exciting history lessons this half term. We had to dissect a sample of Stone Age poo to find out more about the food people age during the Stone Age! We found evidence of corn, fish bones, plants, fruit and seeds.
Following on from our RE last half term, learning about the festival of Diwali, we designed and created our own Diya pots from clay and decorated them in authentic patterns.
To start the half term, we had an exciting computing day where we learnt about coding and how this can be used to create a game. Firstly, we played on the game LightBot to understand commands and debugging. Then, we used Scratch to design and create our own dancing robot.
Update 2
Our most recent English unit has been driven by the text Iron Man by Ted Hughes. The children enjoyed reading about this strange, iron character who came crashing down a cliff! After we’d unpicked the text, the children wrote their own recount by pretending they were one of the seagulls who witnessed this event. The children were fantastic at unpicking the language features of the text by noticing similes, short sentences, powerful verbs and personification. Even more impressive, they then used these literary devices in their own writing- they were a joy to read!
In football, the children have enjoyed developing their ball control skills, whilst in gymnastics they have worked as a team create a routine in time to music. We used the song called Song 2 by Blur and part of their routine involved jumping in time to the Wooo hooos in the chorus.
In science, we have been exploring forces and magnets. We conducted investigations to find out the flooring that had the best grip for Mr Clumsy and we explored magnetic and non-magnetic materials.
Year 3 started this half-term by learning the days of the week in French and understanding that the French do not use capital letters for these words, unlike English! We continue to regularly revise our numbers 1-12 and have started to look at nouns in French in the form of fruits. The children are getting to grips with the concept of genders in French (un / une) and how to make sentences plural with numbers (J’ai trois pommes). We have even explored the bi-lingual dictionaries and have had fun finding out some new fruits to add to our vocabulary list. In our learning, we have focused mainly on the following French phonics: silent letters, ‘i/y’, ‘ch’, ‘un’, ‘u’ and ‘ai’.They have particularly enjoyed the game where we hide a new word in the classroom and play ‘hotter/colder’ in French until the word is found.
Stone Age Day
The greatest highlight of this half term was our Stone Age Day! The children looked fantastic in their costumes and fully immersed themselves in the activities. They built a shelter; made their own bow and arrow to hunt with; used sticks to create a cave painting; and researched some of the prehistoric animals they would have encountered if they lived during this time.
Most impressive were the projects that the children brought into school on this day! Adults in school were so impressed with the time and effort they’d put into these! A huge well done to the children for creating these and to parents for facilitating this- thank you.
In Art, we have been learning about the different grades of sketching pencils, how to effectively use a range of shading techniques and how to combine these with contour drawing.
To produce our observational drawings and paintings, we chose a Stone Age artefact and began by forming the contour with our sketching pencil. Then, we added texture and tone using shading techniques. Lastly, we used watercolours to recreate our artefact drawings. To help us understand how to develop our observational drawing skills, we studied an Italian painter called Giorgio Morandi who specialised in still life.
Autumn 1, 2024
Update 1:
On our first day in Year 3, we arrived back from break time to discover something had been in our Year 3 area. We had to piece together the clues that were left behind to think about who it might have been.
We discovered it was the beast from the text The Lonely Beast. We read the beginning of this story, which was about a beast who wanted to find more of his kind so he went on adventure to find them. However, when he arrived in the city, everyone ran away. Then we wrote a diary entry either from the perspective of the beast or from the viewpoint of one of the people in the city. Some of our work will be going up on display around the school.
Our history lessons have begun to help us to learn about the Stone Age. We have looked at historical events on a timeline, explored the role of an archaeologist and why help us understand prehistorical events. In one lesson, we had a range of pre-historic artefacts on our tables to make sketches of and to piece together the clues to predict what they might be used for and who might have used them.
We loved learning about rocks! We explored the properties of rocks, learnt to identify some common types of rock and learnt how rocks are formed. We then conducted an experiment to decided which was the best type of rock to make a Stone Age weapon. We identified we needed a rock that was strong but not too strong so that it could be carved into a weapon.
Orienteering this half term has been enjoyed by all. We have been using the MUGA and top play ground to further our orienteering skills. We began by learning about the different orienteering symbols used on maps and how to read the map key. Map orientation was the next important skill we learnt, understanding that we need to orientate the map and recognise the ‘bird’s eye view’ diagram of the ground. Each week a different task was set up for us to complete using our orienteering skills; for example, creating silly faces accurately using symbols and equipment, matching the symbols to their word in a race with other teams and orientating across a pitch of cones to solve the answer.
Update 2
Our second English unit this half term linked into our history topic of the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We looked at the features of non-fiction texts and carried out our own research about weapons/tools to create our own information text. We will be copying up our work and presenting it in the style of a non-fiction text after the half term break.
This half term has focused on developing our understanding of number. We have looked at the place value of 3-digit numbers; worked on improving our mental calculation with 3-digit numbers; and we have begun to learn the formal written method of addition and subtraction.
Year 3 have had a fantastic start to their KS2 French learning this half term. We first collated our knowledge about France and the French language – there are already plenty of budding linguists! The children have learnt various forms of greetings and how to ask and answer the question, “Comment ça va?” with a range of responses. They can now ask and answer questions about their name and age and are working on their number knowledge from 1-12. In our learning, we have focused mainly on the following French phonics: silent letters, a, ç/s/ss, en/ant/am/em and c/k/q/qu.
In RE, we have learnt about Diwali. We began our unit by exploring good vs evil. Then, we looked at the festival of light, Diwali. We explored how Diwali is celebrated and we listened to one of the traditional legends about Rama and Sita.
A special treat for our History topic this half term was a visit from a year group parent who happens to be an archaeologist! We were lucky enough for her to come into school and tell us about her job role, as well as share some of her findings from digs, including lots of exciting artefacts which she was allowed to bring in.
Butser Ancient Farm
A highlight of this half term was our trip to Butser Ancient Farm - we had lots of fun! We took part in a range of activities which involved building the wall of a Stone Age/ Bronze Age house; making string from plants; taking part in an archaeological excavation; and having a tour of pre-historic houses.
Summer 2, 2024
Update 1:
Last week, we took part in Arts Week! It was fantastic! Every day we moved through the school, rotating round each class with different teachers, and learning all kinds of art techniques connected to the theme of our Christian values: faith, hope and love. We hope you enjoyed seeing the art work we came home with each day.
During the week, we also got to take part in a glass workshop with a visiting artist. We worked in pairs to decorate a glass leaf, and we can’t wait to see our finished pieces on display in school.
We have continued with our science unit on plants. We looked at lilies to identify the parts of a flowering plant, and we drew a diagram of this into our books.
Reciprocal Reading
Across the summer term, our reciprocal reading text has been ‘There’s a Pharaoh in Our Bath!’. This text is a comedy fiction text about a mummified pharaoh who comes back to life along with his mummified cat and the adventures they go on. As part of our reciprocal reading lessons, we used our skills to: infer; sift and sort the information we recovered from the text; and check for any new words we didn’t know the meaning of. We read each section as a class, using echo reading, before answering the literal, exploration and expansion questions independently.
Skills Progression Day
This week we had skills progression day. We took part in 7 different activities throughout the day. These activities focussed on enhancing our throwing skills and encouraged us to show good sportsmanship by working as a team. We had great fun throughout the day!
We had a very exciting lesson where we arrived in the classroom to find a tent. Inside the tent, were a range of artefacts. In our groups, we took it in turns to go inside the tent, study the artefacts and choose one to describe to our group. The rest of our group then had to have a go at drawing the artefact we described. At the end of the lesson, we found out these were all replicas of the artefacts discovered in Tutankhamun’s tomb. We also learnt about the local links to this significant discovery. We learnt about Lord Carnarvon, Highclere Castle and Beacon Hill.
This week in history we explored mummification by mummifying a tomato. To do this, we had to follow the steps Ancient Egyptians used to mummify, such as removing the ‘organs’, sanitising and cleaning the insides and packing it with salt.
Summer 1, 2024
Update 1:
We’ve learnt about the River Nile in Geography, how it flows from South to North and that all the Egyptian cities are located along the Nile valley where the land is best for farming because everywhere else is desert. This led us to learn that Egypt is a country mostly made up of desert but has a large water source running through it; therefore, Egypt can be separated into two biomes: The Freshwater Biome and The Desert Biome.
In History, we have looked at a timeline of Ancient Egypt and we took a virtual tour inside The Great Pyramid of Giza and discovered all about why they were built and how they were made of limestone.
In English, we have been reading a text called ‘Secrets of a Sun King’. After finding out about a gruesome discovery of feet found on a hearth rug, we wrote our own newspaper article about this event. We enjoyed looking at First News newspapers to understand the features of this style of writing.
In dance, we are enjoying following a set routine, imagining we are exploring a pyramid and then we are choreographing the next part by miming scenes from Ancient Egyptian life.
Our topic this half term is plants. To help us understanding what a plant needs to survive, we concluded an experiment to explore whether cress could survive without either: water, light, air, soil or the right temperature. We enjoyed monitoring how our cress was getting on and drawing together our findings. In the next lesson, we used kitchen towel to plant our board bean seeds in a jar and we’re very excited to see these beginning to germinate.
Update 2:
We have continued with the text: The Secrets of the Sun King. As we read more of the text, we began to make links to Ancient Egypt and curses and we made connections between the characters. Following this, we began to write a narrative imagining we were the main character Lil who was going to visit her poorly Grandad in hospital. We thought carefully about the feelings of the character, how the hospital would look and smell, using sensory language, and how Grandad would look. We will be continuing with this after half term but the pieces of writing the children have created so far are OUTSTANDING!
A highlight from this half term was our Ancient Egyptian Workshop with Brian. We spent the day dressed as Ancient Egyptians, Gods and Mummies. Brian taught us all about mummification, Howard Carter’s finding of Tutankhamun’s tomb and the many pharaohs of ancient Egypt. We enjoyed taking part in drama throughout this workshop.
Year 3 have been busy learning all about pets this half term. The children have conducted a class survey and are able to ask and answer questions about their pets. We have revised gender and articles and worked hard on our knowledge of plurals and numbers up to 20. This topic re-introduces opinion verbs and we have had a heated debate about cats and dogs! Throughout our learning we have spent time on our French phonic knowledge and the following sounds have been practised: en/an/ein, ai, silent ‘h’ at the front of words, oi, ch and i/y.
In art this half term, we explored Angie Lewin and her art work. We analysed her artwork, had a go at creating a monoprint of her work and then we designed and printed our own monoprint using colouring pencils, oil pastels and biro. Our design had to be inspired by nature, to follow the style of Angie Lewin’s artwork.
In maths, we learnt about fractions to explore fractions as part of a whole, adding and subtracting fractions and finding fractions of an amount, where we had to apply our multiplication and division skills. Next we moved onto money to develop our understanding of different coins and notes and how to find change when paying for amounts. During this, we applied our addition and subtraction skills to add and subtract amounts.
To finish the half term, we have moved onto time, which we will continue with after half term. We have built upon our learning in Year 2 to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes and then minute. Why not test your child on this at home by asking them to tell you the time at various points during the day.
To end the term, we enjoyed maths week, during this we got to complete some fun mathematical challenges, take part in a National Numeracy Day live stream and complete an orienteering course in the school grounds. All of the orienteering questions were maths questions linked to our school; for example, how old is our school building.